Louise fischer radio 4
Louise fischer radio 4 in denmark NY Post. One radio reporter went all the way to get a scoop on a swingers club near Copenhagen when she had sex with a man she was interviewing. Louise Fischer, 26, can be heard moaning during the on-the-record intercourse, part of a two-minute segment that aired on Radio 4 in Denmark.
Danish journalist has sex during interview for segment on Louise Fischer @louisefischer1 Århus, Midtjylland Born July 4 Joined May 99 Following Followers Tweets Tweets & replies Media Louise Fischer @louisefischer1 · Apr 28, Praktikpladsen er i hus, økonomieksamen er bestået - så skal HIC dæleme bare vinde DM-finalerne! #studjour #praktik #basketball.
Journalist from Danish radio station has sex in a swingers
With Fischer as a participative actor, the executives thought it was a good way to obtain entry into an otherwise closed world, as well as a surprising reportage. “I think it’s cool when our reporters experiment with making journalism in a different way,” Radio4 program chef Tina Kragelund told Jyllands-Posten.Dansk journalist rapporterer fra swingerklub: Deltager selv i 16K followers View more on Instagram 3, likes louiisefischer.