Louise fischer radio 4

Sex i radioen går verden rundt: - Det er helt vildt – Ekstra Louise Fischer is a year-old Danish Journalist, who is currently working for Denmark’s Radio 4 and TV station, TV Midtvest. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Louise.
louise fischer radio 4

Louise fischer radio 4 in denmark NY Post. One radio reporter went all the way to get a scoop on a swingers club near Copenhagen when she had sex with a man she was interviewing. Louise Fischer, 26, can be heard moaning during the on-the-record intercourse, part of a two-minute segment that aired on Radio 4 in Denmark.

Journalist interviews man while having sex: 'Completely Louise Fischer, 26, can be heard moaning during the on-the-record intercourse, part of a two-minute segment that aired on Radio 4 in Denmark. "I don’t have a boyfriend, that definitely made.

Louise fischer radio 4 in denmark

Danish journalist has sex during interview for segment on Louise Fischer @louisefischer1 Århus, Midtjylland Born July 4 Joined May 99 Following Followers Tweets Tweets & replies Media Louise Fischer @louisefischer1 · Apr 28, Praktikpladsen er i hus, økonomieksamen er bestået - så skal HIC dæleme bare vinde DM-finalerne! #studjour #praktik #basketball.

Journalist from Danish radio station has sex in a swingers

With Fischer as a participative actor, the executives thought it was a good way to obtain entry into an otherwise closed world, as well as a surprising reportage. “I think it’s cool when our reporters experiment with making journalism in a different way,” Radio4 program chef Tina Kragelund told Jyllands-Posten.

Danish journalist, 26, who interviewed a man while having sex Louise Fischer, 26, from Denmark, was covering the reopening of Swingland in Ishøj, near Copenhagen, when she decided to get properly involved. Radio 4’s head of news Tina Kragelund told BT.

Radiovært Louise Fischer i Swingerklub: Historien om Radio4’s Louise Fisher ‏ @loufisher99 2h 2 hours ago Follow Follow @ loufisher99 Following Following @ loufisher99 Unfollow Unfollow @ loufisher99 Blocked Blocked @ loufisher99 Unblock Unblock @ loufisher99 Pending Pending follow request from @ loufisher99 Cancel Cancel your follow request to @ loufisher

Danish journalist has sex during interview for segment on

Dansk journalist rapporterer fra swingerklub: Deltager selv i 16K followers View more on Instagram 3, likes louiisefischer.